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Meteorite Name: Marjalahti
Country: Russia
State/District: Karelia, Viipuri
Co-ordinates: 61"30'N, 30"30'E (approx.)
Date of fall : 1902, June (2200hrs)

Total known weight: 45kg (approx.)
Number of pieces: 1


Type: Stony-iron PAL
Pallasite, maingroup
Remarks: angular olivine shape

Mineral Olivine Fa11.9
Analyses: Pyroxene Fs11.4

Pairings: not known

Synonyms: Marialahti

Description and references:

After the appearance of a luminous meteor followed by detonations, a mass of
about 45kg was seen to fall and was broken in pieces, M.H.Hey, Cat. Met.,
1966, p.293. Described and analyzed, L.H.Borgstr_m, Bull. Comm. Geol.
Finlande, 1903, (14), p.45. Analysis of the metal, B.Mason, Am. Mus. Novit.,
1963, (2163). Another analysis of the metal, 7.86% Ni, 23.0 ppm Ga, 54.7 ppm
Ge, 1.6 ppm Ir, J.T.Wasson, Meteorites, Springer-Verlag, 1974, p.306.
Cooling rate and olivine composition, Fa11.9, P.R.Buseck and J.I.Goldstein,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1969, 80, p.2141. Minor and trace element
composition of olivine, B.Mason and A.L.Graham, Smithson. Contrib. Earth
Sci., 1970, (3). Coordinates and locality, A.L.Graham et al., Cat. Met.,
1985, p.227. Charged particle track density, G.N.Flerov et al., GCA, 1976,
40, p.305. Noble gas and Cl-36 contents, F.Begemann et al., GCA, 1976, 40,
p.353. Classification and analysis of metal phase, main group pallasite,
E.R.D.Scott, GCA, 1977, 41, p.349. Study of olivine-metal texture,
E.R.D.Scott, GCA, 1977, 41, p.693. Mineralogy and petrology, contains
pyroxene, P.R.Busek, GCA, 1977, 41, p.711. Calculation of atmospheric
ablation based on cosmic ray tracks and Ne isotopes, N.Bhandari et al.,
Nucl. Tracks, 1980, 4, p.213. Study of fission tracks, P.Pellas et al.,
Meteoritics, 1981, 16, p.375 (abs.). Chemical composition of olivines,
J.V.Smith et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1983, 88 (suppl.), p.B229. Analysis of
minor elements in olivine, G.Ryder, Meteoritics, 1984, 19, p.79. Be-10 data
of metal, H.Nagai et al., GCA, 1993, 57, p.3705. Nitrogen isotopic
composition of metal and silicate, C.A.Prombo and R.N.Clayton, GCA, 1993,

Repositories of specimens:

23.66kg: Helsinki, Geol. Mus. Univ. [main mass]
3.1kg: London, Nat. Hist. Mus.
1878g: Vienna, Naturhist. Mus.
1261g: Chicago, Field Mus. Nat. Hist.
462g: Moscow, Acad. Sci.
452g: Washington, U.S. Nat. Mus.
375g: Albuquerque, Univ. of New Mexico
260g: Sch_nenwerd, Bally-Prior Mus.
201g: Oslo, Min.-Geol. Mus.
196g: St. Petersburg, Mining Mus.
179g: Kazan, Geol.-Min. Mus., Ulyanov Univ.
178g: Paris, Mus. d'Hist. Nat.
172g: Cambridge, Harvard Univ.
166g: Budapest, Nat. Mus.
163g: Prague, Nat. Mus.
148g: Watchung, N.J., DuPont Colln.
147g: Stockholm, Naturhist. Riksmus.
124g: Tokyo, NIPR
120g: Copenhagen, Univ. Geol. Mus.
118g: Rome, Inst. Min. Mus.
117g: Tempe, Arizona State Univ.
103g: Hamburg, Mus. Min.-Petrogr. Inst.
86g: Berlin, Mus. Naturk., Humboldt Univ.
84g: Kankakee, Illinois, J.Schwade Colln.
55.6g: Grenchen, T.Stuedi Colln.
55g: Greifswald, Geol. Dept. Univ.
55g: Moscow, Min. Mus. Geol. Inst.
51g: New York, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.
48g: Canberra, Austr. Nat. Univ.
46g: Mainz, Max-Planck-Inst. Chemie
29g: Rome, Vatican Observatory Colln.
27g: Stuttgart, Staatl. Mus. Naturk.
16.5g: Gifhorn, Bartoschewitz Colln.
10g: Z¦rich, ETH
9g: Kiev, Geol. Mus. Ukraine
3g: Houston, E.A.King Colln.
2.4g: Kharkov, Mus. Gorkii Univ.

Repositories of prepared sections:

Chicago, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. (PS)
London, Nat. Hist. Mus. (PS)
Vienna, Naturhist. Mus. (TS)



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